Primární řasinky buněk epitelu ledvinných kanálků

Josef Dvořák, Veronika Sitorová, Dimitar Hadži Nikolov, Jaroslav Mokrý, Igor Richter, Stanislav Filip, Aleš Ryška, Jiří Petera

Klíčová slova: buněčný cyklus, buňky - proliferace, cilie, ledviny - sběrací kanálky, lidé, mitóza, nádory ledvin, polycystické ledviny - nemoci, zvířata

Anotace: The primary cilium is a sensory, solitary, non-motile microtubule-based structure that in the quiescent phase of the cell cycle arises from the centrosome and projects from the surface of the majority of human cells, including luminal surface of renal tubular epithelial cells. Primary cilia of renal tubular epithelial cells regulate cell size of these cells through Lkb1-AMPK-mTORC1 signal pathway. Disorders of primary cilia of renal tubular epithelial cells are associated with polycystic kidney disease and nephronophthisis. Some carcinogens induce loss of the primary cilia of renal tubular epithelial cells. The aim of this paper is to provide a review of the current knowledge on the primary cilia of renal tubular epithelial cells.

Citace: DVOŘÁK, Josef, Veronika SITOROVÁ, Dimitar HADŽI NIKOLOV, Jaroslav MOKRÝ, Igor RICHTER, Stanislav FILIP, Aleš RYŠKA a Jiří PETERA. Primární řasinky buněk epitelu ledvinných kanálků. Aktuality v nefrologii : časopis pro klinickou nefrologii a metody náhrady funkce ledvin. 2013, 19(3), 96-101. Dostupné také z:

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